
Searching in the game

XuanXuanGo has many search options. you can search for strings in comments, stones that move to certain position, stones with bookmarks, Go problem solutions. Except for solution searches, you can search forward or backward. The search will traverse the entire game tree. Let's see how searches are performed in following game tree:

Searching forward: The searches are alphabetical. For example, if we are at Root, then search from node A to L. If any node meets the search condition, that node will become current node and the search stops. If we are at node C, the search sequence will be D, E, F, G, H to L. If no matching node was found, XuanXuanGo will ask if wrap the search to the beginning, if the answer is Yes, then search Root, A, B. Searching backward: The searches are reverse alphabetic. If we are at node G, then search F, E, D, C, B, A, Root. If no matching node was found, the program will ask if wrap the search to the last move, if the answer is Yes, then search L, K, J, I, H

When we need to search the stone that played at certain position, use toolbar button , then click at the position on the board. If any stone later plays to that position, that move will become current. Use to search forward, and to search backward.

The dialog box for searching string in comments are as following:

Use toolbar button to go to the number of move in current path. The dialog box is as following:

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