
Score estimating, calculating and trial mode

Score estimating
After entering the score estimating mode, the program will estimate the territory for both sides and show the results on the status bar, they are the estimated area size + captured stones + komi (for white). The enclosed points where can not form final territory or need to be filled with stones are shown as red. The public areas are not marked by any color. You can still play stones to make the estimating more accurate, right click on the board to change stone color to be played. For some reasons, stones may not always be judged correctly, if we need to change the life or death status of the stones, click on them, but before we do this, please make sure that they are fully enclosed by opposite stones or territory. Under score estimating mode the game will not be changed if you play stones on the board, when quit estimating mode, the game will be resumed. Use toolbar button to enter or quit the score estimating mode. Let's see an example as following:

Board status before score estimating

Board status after button is pressed

As shown in the figures above, the stones marked by triangles are not correctly judged. In the upper left corner, the white stones are marked as dead, but actually, they kill the 5 black stones with double-ko, so, we need change their status. First, click on the white stones to stop marking them as dead, then click the 5 black stones to mark them as dead. In the upper right corner, three white stones are not marked as dead, even they have actually been captured. But before we click on them to change their status, we need play a black stone at T14 to separate them from other white stones, otherwise, all white stones in upper right corner will be marked as dead. In the lower left corner, the marked white stones are captured, 5 black stones win the capture-race by "one eye kills no eye". The white stones are not fully enclosed by black stones, however, H1 is marked as black territory, so we don't need to play a black stone at G1 or H1 before clicking on the white stones. Following figure is the board status after correction, please note the red points where can not form final territory.

Scoring mode
After entering the scoring mode, the program will count the territory for both sides and show the results on the status bar, they are the enclosed area size + captured stones + komi (for black). The public areas are shown as red. The area will be regarded as public if it is not fully enclosed, you can still play stones to enclose it, right click on the board to change stone color to be played. After the area is fully enclosed, click on the captured stones inside to mark them as dead. Likes score estimating mode, under scoring mode the game will not be changed. When quit the scoring mode, the game will be resumed. The major difference between estimating and scoring modes is, under scoring mode, we need click on the stones to mark them as dead, while in estimating mode, most dead stones are recognized by the program. Usually, estimating mode is much more useful than scoring mode.

Trial mode
After entering the trial mode, you can move as you will without changing the game. When you quit the trial mode, the game will be resumed to the state before entering trial mode. Use toolbar button to enter or quit the trial mode. XuanXuanGo opens a game in read-only mode by default, under read-only mode, if you make a new move, the game enters trial mode automatically. when you step back to the game's original moves, the game quits trial mode automatically. You can also quit the trial mode by pressing ESC, to quickly return to the game's original status.

Sometimes, you might want to do score estimating for board status in other Go program, or analyze life-and-death problem in it, but how to get the board status? please go to next chapter.

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